Do-Re-Me, created by Nicola Conibere, was presented as part of Volumes Project, a collection of six works by choreographers as part of the exhibition MIRRORCITY at Hayward Gallery, London, 14 Oct 2014 - 5 Jan 2015. Do-Re-Me moved throughout the gallery and its other exhibits for around 3hours at a time. Credits: Choreography - Nicola Conibere Performers - Neil Callaghan & Ben McEwen Costume - Lucille Acevedo-Jones Videographer - Susanne Dietz (Other performers as part of this project: Luke Birch, Katye Coe, Augusto Corrieri, Helka Kaski, Steph McMann)

Do-Re-Me was presented in the courtyard of the Royal Academy as part of the inaugural Block Universe Festival. It shared the space with Conrad Shawcross' sculpture 'The Dappled Light of the Sun'. In Do-Re-Me two figures negotiate a path around the courtyard of the Royal Academy whilst wrapped around each other and within swathes of tarpaulin. Creating a mass both intensely familiar and strange, its fragmented limbs flail and reach for movement, continually destabilising and transforming the integrity of the body’s form. The performers’ physically enmeshed actions playfully provoke shifts in relation between people, material and place without resolution. Do-Re-Me has also been shown at the Hayward Gallery, London and NNContemporary, Northampton. Choreographer: Nicola Conibere Costume Design: Lucille-Acevedo Jones Performers: Helka Kaski and Steph McMann Filmed and Edited by Reynir Hutber For more information about Block Universe visit:

Do-Re-Me (2014)

A duet for art galleries and other places: unspecified duration

In Do-Re-Me two figures, wrapped around each other and within swathes of fabric, negotiate a path through a given place. As fragmented limbs flail and reach for movement, the integrity of the body’s form is continually destabilised and transformed. The mass is both intensely familiar and strange: a simple shift of an arm can change its appearance from that of two distinct bodies to a seemingly impossible combination of limbs. Its performers’ physically enmeshed actions constantly provoke shifts in relation between people, material and place without resolution.

Do-Re-Me has been shown at Hayward Gallery, London; The courtyard of the Royal Academy of Arts, London (Part of Block Universe); presented by NNContemporary, Northampton; and Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, presented by Dance4.


Concept/Choreography: Nicola Conibere / Collaborators: Luke Birch, Neil Callaghan, Katye Coe, Augusto Corrieri, Helka Kaski, Ben McEwen, Stephanie McMann (performers), Lucille Acevedo-Jones (costume)

Photos: Michael Brzezinski / Sylvain Deleu